Office of Public Prosecutor entrusts police with Lukashenka T-shirts case

The office of the Public Prosecutor has ordered Brest police to investigate a fact of agitation for Alyaksandr Lukashenka. A Brest human rights activist Uladzimir Malei has informed Euroradio about it: Malei: "I turned to the Regional Office of the Public Prosecutor in connection with the unauthorized picket at the stadium. The stadium “Brest” is not included on the list of places where agitation is allowed. The Office of the Public Prosecutor has entrusted Brest Department of Internal Affairs with this case”.

According to the human rights activist, the appeal about Lukashenka T-shirts sent to the region election committee has finally been replied. Referring to the explanatory note written by the team’s manager Heorhi Darbuashvili, the executive committee replied that the law had not been violated because the T-shirts had been bought long before the election campaign.

Let us remind you that several dozen children wearing Lukashenka T-shorts appeared at the stadium before the match of “Dynama” (Brest) and “Belshyna” on November 21.