Opposition fails to agree on united list of candidates for parliamentary polls

Апазіцыя не можа дамовіцца пра адзіны спіс кандыдатаў на парламенцкія выбары

The opposition failed to agree on a united list of candidates that will take part  in the parliamentary election later this year when the leaders of major pro-democracy forces met on May 3, BelaPAN reports quoting the head of the committee to organizse Belarusian Social Democratic Party (People’s Hramada) Mikalai Statkevich.

The Belarusian Popular Front Party, Belarusian Party of the Leftist Forces 'Fair World' and Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) were against the united list of candidates. It is impossible to speak about ‘the real coalition’ of democratic forces without the united list of candidates, Statkevich reckons.

The parliamentary election will be held in Belarus on September 11, 2016. The campaign will officially kick off on June 7.