Participant of Martin Sajdik’s speech disruption detained in Minsk

У Мінску затрымалі ўдзельніка зрыву выступу прадстаўніка АБСЕ Сайдзіка

The police detained one of the people who disrupted the speech of Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office to the Trilateral Contact Group Martin Sajdik in President Hotel on the evening of February 15, BelaPAN refers to official spokesperson of Minsk City Executive Committee Alyaksandr Lastouski.

The young man has been delivered to Minsk Lenin District Department of the Interior. Nothing is known about the other participants of the action.

Sajdik came up to journalists after another round of the negotiations of the trilateral group. Two young men and two young women announced that they were activists of the party ‘Another Russia’ (former National-Bolshevist Party) and started shouting ‘Hands Off from Donets Basin’, ‘Poroshenko is a killer’ and ‘Donets Basin should join Russia!’. They threw around leaflets saying that the negotiations in Minsk could not affect anything. Sajdik left the press-conference room.

The Belarusian MFA called the action a provocation directed at the disruption of the negotiations.