Problem of lack of foreign languages teachers solved with the help of pensioners and students

The problem of lack of teachers of foreign languages in Brest Province has been solved. Let us remind you that it was informed last week that Brest schools lacked teachers in connection with the increase of foreign language classes by 1 hour a week.
The deputy head of the Education Department of Brest Region Executive Committee Іryna Chouzhyk has informed ERB where they have found the needed teachers:

"As far as I know, the districts did not inform that they lacked teachers of foreign languages. We agreed earlier than we would talk to pensioners and undergraduates in case we had a problem with the number of specialists. So there is no problem with lessons not being taught”.

ERB: Does it mean you have used the resources you talked about?

Іryna Chouzhyk: "We did it where it was needed”.