Professor Ivan Nikitchanka has died in road accident near Malazdechna
His car collided with a ZIL. Ivan Nikitchanka was 71 years old. A corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, Professor Ivan Nikitchanka has died in a car accident. It happened near Maladzechna on Saturday. The car Nikitchanka was driving collided with a ZIL, reports
Ivan Nikitchanka was born in Bryansk Province in 1939. He graduated from Vitsebsk Veterinary Institute. He was a Doctor of Agriculture. Being a member of the BPF Party, he was in the shadow cabinet of the BPF Opposition in the Supreme Council of the 12th convocation. He used to head the steering committee of “Chernobyl Way” for many years.
He joined the initiative group of a Christian Democrat Vital Rymasheuski at this year’s election and explained it by the fact that the candidate paid most attention to the problem of overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.
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Ivan Nikitchanka was born in Bryansk Province in 1939. He graduated from Vitsebsk Veterinary Institute. He was a Doctor of Agriculture. Being a member of the BPF Party, he was in the shadow cabinet of the BPF Opposition in the Supreme Council of the 12th convocation. He used to head the steering committee of “Chernobyl Way” for many years.
He joined the initiative group of a Christian Democrat Vital Rymasheuski at this year’s election and explained it by the fact that the candidate paid most attention to the problem of overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.
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