Ales Liauchuk: I will go on struggling and defending my convictions

The case will be reconsidered at 9.30 on April 18 in the Brest regional court.

"I hope that the regional court will abolish the illegal decision of the Moscow district court of Brest, according to which I am supposed to change my convictions. The right to have convictions is granted by the Constitution. In case my hopes are in vain, I will go on struggling and defending my views. If the regional court takes an unfavourable decision, I will appeal it in the higher instances. I consider the current decision of the Moscow district court of Brest illegal and anti-constitutional, and it's not just me who thinks so", - Ales Liauchuk has told to Euroradio.

Let us remind you, Liauchuk was fired from the newspaper "Znamya Yunosti" for refusal to write invective materials about the events which took place in the Independence square on December 19, 2010, and about the alternative presidential candidates. He wrote about the letter from the editor's office, asking him to discharge "due to his own wish", in his blog, which became the basis for the accusation of slander. The Moscow district court of Brest satisfied the newspaper's claim. According to the court's decision, the journalist is obliged to pay 280 thousand Br for publication of a refutation in "Znamya Yunosti", 105 thousand Br for filing a claim to the court by the newspaper and about 700 thousand Br to cover transport expenses.