Belarusian stool-travelers come back to Minsk (photo)

The Belarusians who brought a stool to the seaside of the Pacific Ocean have come back home. Zhenya Mantsevich and Verasen are in Minsk. One more member of the Belarusian team – Kiryl Krautsou – will arrive soon.
Zhenya and Verasen have given their first interview to Euroradio.

Euroradio: How do you feel in Belarus after the long trip? What do you think about the people?

Verasen: “It is spring here and we have arrived from autumn, so it is still very unusual, it is strange to see the greenery.  We are still in Buenos Aires in our thoughts”.

Zhenya: “We entered a shop and it was a bit sad at first, people were angry in queues... But it was in the provinces, I hope it will be more cheerful in Minsk. We have not visited any places yet, so we are still going to do it. We have not understood yet what has changed and what hasn’t... We have only met our families”.

Many foreigners think that Belarus is an African country
We often had to explain what Belarus was. Some people thought that Belarus was somewhere in Africa. However, some Bolivian schoolchildren had problems locating their own country on the world map,” – says Zhenya.
A video film is another result of this trip. “We have video materials, we only need to make a film out of them”, - say “the stool-travellers”.