July 20 "silent" action (ONLINE+PHOTO)

About 25 people have been detained in Minsk.

22:00, Mahilyou. A participant of the silent action has informed about the events. “As soon as participants of the silent action started stamping their feet, they were warned about the inadmissibility of such actions with the help of a loudspeaker. On the whole, about 100 people took part in the action. Nobody was detained”. Photos from Mahilyou:








21:50, PINSK. Policemen are polite but you cannot see their badges. When a passer-by drew attention to the fact, a police officer got embarrassed and took his badge out of his pocket.

21:20, Minsk. July 20 silent action.







See here for more pictures from the silent action.

20:50, KIEV. Ukrainians have joined the Belarusian “silent” protests. They applauded near the Belarusian Embassy in Kiev.

20:32, MINSK. Euroradio’s photos – plainclothes people detain Alena Lihavid.


20:24, MINSK. A reader of Nasha Niva, Yauhen Ivanyuk has sent and SMS from a police bus: “There are 16 of us. We are being delivered to the Central Departmental the Interior.”

20:20, MAHILYOU. Pictures from the action:


20:05, BREST. "People even applauded", - they say on Twitter.


19:52, MINSK. A guy with a camera has been pushed out of a police bus because “We have democracy here, so everything needs to be photographed”. According to him, there were about 10 or 12 people in the bus including a girl with a beat knee.

19:50, MINSK. Mikita Lihavid’s mother has been detained.

19:42, BREST. UCP activist Marat Nestsyarenka and journalist of Radio Racija Alisa Pol have been detained.

19:37, MINSK. A bus without number plates has reached Lenin Street and some passers-by have been pushed into it. About 10 people have been detained. The bus has left.

19:36, MINSK. Detentions near the cinema house “Victory”. People are being made to get in a bus without number plates.

19:34, BARYSAU. Central Square is blocked. People are walking nearby.

19:32, MINSK. Passers-by have encountered a plainclothes cordon near the GUM. They are heading towards International Street. It really resembles a walk!

19:29, MINSK. People have reached International Street and are heading towards Independence Avenue.

19:26, MINSK. People walking along Engels Street are clapping their hands.


19:20, MINSK. About 100 people have gathered in October Square. A person with a loudspeaker is asking them to leave.

19:05, HRODNA. Passers-by are asked to show their IDs, their names are being noted down.

19:00, MINSK. The roads near Independence Avenue and Victory Square are being closed up.

18:57, MINSK. There are a few police buses behind the Palace of the Republic. This is a bad sign.

18:55, MINSK. The central part of Independence Avenue has been blocked again.

18:50, MINSK. Press secretary of Minsk police Alyaksandr Lastouski has appeared in October Square. Journalists have surrounded him. If you make a few steps away – plainclothes people immediately ask you to come back and “not to provoke” them, -  says Nasta Mantsevich, Euroradio reporter.