"Young Front" activists appeal to Belarusian Red Cross

Zmitser Dashkevich's lawyer managed to see his client in Horki colony several days ago, after a long period of total isolation. As a result of this visit, some details became revealed, which concerned Zmitser's close people and human rights defenders. The political prisoner was sent to a disciplinary cell 8 times.

Alena Tankachova  has told Euroradio which measures human right defenders take:

Tankachova: “At today's press-conference we demanded, in the first place, fulfillment of the rights of Dashkevich and other prisoners of Horki colony. We appealed to the representatives of the Red Cross through mass media, as we are convinced that the Belarusian Red Cross should use its mandate and obtain access to closed establishments to at least control health condition of political prisoners”.

Tankachova says that they appealed to the European officials asking to watch the destinies of Belarusian political prisoners closer. Let us remind you, Zmitser Dashkevich was sentenced to two years of imprisonment in a minimum-security correctional institution in March.