SB continues series of articles about ‘BelTA case’ and

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Photo: Fotolia

SB. Belarus Today keeps publishing articles about ‘the BelTA case’ and The main idea promoted by some Syarhei Bondarau was: is not a mass medium and its employees are not journalists. There is no politics in this criminal case, he stressed. The article published on Thursday is signed by some Viktar Andreyeu. He is focusing on independent journalists, non-governmental mass media, their source of financing, content, etc. The author also mentions

The Investigation Committee started a criminal case in connection with illegal access to the paid news feed of the state information agency BelTA, Euroradio reported earlier. The offices of and BelaPAN were searched on August 7. Eight people were detained on August 7-9: Maryna Zolatava, Hanna Kaltyhina, Halina Ulasik, Hanna Yermachonak, Tatstsyana Karavyankova, Paulyuk Bykouski, Alyaksei Zhukau and Iryna Leushyna. All of them were released later.