Shevchuk: Minsk events are very sad

Euroradio: You must be aware of the dispersal of the opposition action in Minsk on December 19.

Yuri Shevchuk: Of course I am aware of it all.

Euroradio: Did you watch the course of the events? In what mood are you now?

Yuri Shevchuk:  I am very sad about it now. I think I should say: “It is time to change the bald rubber!” I support the opposition’s motto.

Euroradio: How do you think, was it worth gathering people in the square?

Yuri Shevchuk: I think you should use all means.

Euroradio: You met Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu several months ago. Nyaklyayeu is beaten now. He is in the detention centre. It is time to compose a song about the situation in Belarus?

Yuri Shevchuk: Well... Russia is in the same situation!

Euroradio: Do you think Nyaklyayeu is a person able to urge the crowd to break the door of the House of the Government?
Yuri Shevchuk: I do not think so. He seemed to be a clever and understanding person who cared about Belarus’ fate and future. I brought away happy memories. We had a very good conversation; he is a very nice person. He is strong and has so much charisma. That’s a man who really wishes Belarus well and would like to change its economic and political course. We talked about modernisation, economy, politics and democracy a lot… God grant him good health!

Euroradio: How do you think, what is happening in Russia-Belarus relations now? We are either quarrelling or making it up... What does it mean?

Yuri Shevchuk: Well... who understands that brain that is either quarrelling or making it up? It looks very spontaneous and vague to us... I do not know what is going on under the sofa, I do not know those gray state thoughts... That is why it is very difficult for me to judge. They are either kissing or fighting… It only means that there is no fundamental policy between Russia and Belarus. It is based on the empiric, the emotional and the irrational. Neither Lukashenka’s nor Putins’ governments have a certain position. It is like playing draughts. They either play Chapayev or play at give-away. Something happens – and we quarrel, something else happens – and we start kissing…

Euroradio: Moscow musicians are preparing a public appeal to urge the Belarusian authorities to release the people detained after the election. Will you sign it?

Yuri Shevchuk: Of course I will!

Euroradio: When will you give a concert in Minsk?

Yuri Shevchuk: We are busy recording our new album now. Nobody knows when we will finish it. However, we will come as soon as our album is ready.