Trial of Alyaksei Yanusheuski detained in Polatsk to take place on April 9
The trial of a youth activist Alyaksei Yanusheuski detained in Polatsk on April 8 will take place on April 9. A.Yanusheuskі was detained near the city court of Polatsk where the hearing of the case of a youth activist Kasya Salauyova was taking place (she was accused of acting on behalf of an unregistered organization “Malady Front”). About a dozen young people started shouting the following mottos to express their solidarity with the accused: “Kasya, we are with you!” and “We believe! We can! We will win!”. Policemen tried to stop the action however, the participants sat on the ground holding hands. As a result, only Yanusheuski was detained, the other participants managed to flee.
The detained had to spend several hours in the police office and was let off after a protocol about an administrative violation had been drawn up. He is accused of violating the order of organization or participation in an mass action or a picket (art. 23.34 of the Administrative Code).
The detained had to spend several hours in the police office and was let off after a protocol about an administrative violation had been drawn up. He is accused of violating the order of organization or participation in an mass action or a picket (art. 23.34 of the Administrative Code).