UN adopts Russia’s resolution on Ukraine unanimously

The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted the resolution in support of the agreement signed in Minsk on February 12. It has urged all the sides to stick to the ceasefire agreement in East Ukraine.

The document proposed by Russia ‘approves the attempts to fulfill Minsk agreements and welcomes the declaration adopted by ‘the Norman Four’ (Russia, Germany, Ukraine and France) in the Belarusian capital.

The Security Council members expressed anxiety in contention with ‘the tragic events in East Ukraine’ and announced their ‘full respect of Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity’. The full text of the agreements signed in Minsk was attached to the resolution of the UN Security Council. The UN Security Council conducted about 30 meetings dedicated to Ukraine but only one resolution was adopted in the last few months – it was demanded to conduct an international investigation of the Malaysian Boeing crash in Donetsk Oblast in July 2014, TASS reports.

Russia ‘is ready to support’ the fulfillment of Minsk agreements aimed at settling the conflict in Ukraine, Russian permanent representative in the UN Vitali Churkin claimed.

The Ukrainian MFA has called the fact that the document was proposed by Russia ‘pure cynicism’.      Kiev has urged the international community to do everything to make Russia and separatists to implement and stick to Minsk agreements and ceasefire.

At the same time, Ukraine welcomes the unanimous adoption of the resolution on the situation in Donets Basin by the UN Security Council, UNIAN reports.

Photo: AP