USA not to approve of Belarusian recognition of division of Georgia

The United States “will not approve” of the possible decision of Belarus to recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. An official representative of the US Department of State Robert Wood claimed it on August 29, informs “”Voice of America”. At the same time R.Wood noted that he was not going to speculate on the fact whether the chance to improve Belarus-America relations would be lost if Minsk recognized the independence of the Georgian territories together with Moscow.
The representative of the American foreign policy department claimed that the United States could lift the sanctions imposed on Belarus if the country started political reforms. The parliamentary elections that will take place in Belarus on September 28 will be taken into account when it comes to making a decision about lifting sanctions and visa regime restrictions imposed on Belarus. Furthermore, the United States would like Belarus to allow the American diplomats the Belarusian authorities made leave Minsk to return to the country.
Washington also expects that an American citizen Emmanuel Zetlser sentenced to three years of imprisonment in Belarus for commercial spying and using fake documents will receive the needed medical assistance and will be allowed to receive visitors in prison.

Making appointments in security agencies on August 29, Alyaksandr Lukashenka claimed that “the European Union and the USA were taking their time before making adequate changes in response to the true desire of Belarus to normalize relations with the West”, and that “there were no positive steps in that direction”.