Young Front member to account for hunger strike in army?

Mikola Dzemidzenka, Mihas Muski’s colleague from the Young Front (registered in the Czech Republic), told Euroradio about it.

A commission from the Ministry of Defence arrived at their military unit after information about a hunger-strike near Asipovichy had appeared on the Internet, Dzemidzenka said. No other details are available and the press service of the ministry refutes the fact that a commission was sent to the military unit.

However, Mihas Muski was taken to Minsk from Lapichy by car at 9 a.m. on July 25. The other soldiers were told that Muski is accused of organizing the hunger-strike and distributing information about it on the Internet. They also said that a criminal case would be opened.

The Young Front member was taken to the army from jail. He refused to take oath and cannot be judged by the military court, Muski’s colleagues noted.
