TUT.BY's Yury Ziser criticizes secret preparation of media law

On 17 December,the Ministry of Information introduced in the House of Representatives amendments to the law on mass media. As a result of the the changes, websites became equal to media outlets, they now fall under the law on the media and can be closed if there are two written warnings from the ministry.

MPs adopted the amendments in two readings. Such haste is very surprising, because the second reading is there to discuss the draft and make suggestions.

Tut.by is one of the major online media in the country. In the commentary to Euroradio its founder Yury Ziser says that information on the preparation of such changes did not reach them even as a rumor.

Ziser: "This proves once again that they were afraid of the society's reaction, and it means they knew they were doing something wrong. The haste and secrecy of the preparation and adoption, as well as the lack of public discussion are very  surprising. The fact that it was adopted in the Belarusian Union of Journalists is surprising, because if it was really discussed there, some information about it would have leaked. It's weird when the law is prepared in secret. It is like an operation against the enemy, but the law regulates not enemies but domestic media."

Such a situation, according to Zisser, can put in unequal conditions Belarusian and foreign sites that are popular among Belarusians. After all sites are equally available and can not be controlled only Belarusian, as foreign will still be out of control.

Ziser: "Now, they must not only comply with the laws, tut.by does that anyway, but try to please officials at all levels. If someone does not like something, they may close you down. I think that the foreign media is more dangerous. The stronger domestic media outlets are, the better it is for the country. "

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