Akhmed Zakayev to wait for Polish authorities decision on extradition at freedom

Akhmed Zakayev has been released without recognisance or bail. He will wait for the decision of the Polish authorities on his extradition to Russia at freedom. The destiny of the exiled leader of Chechen government has been negotiated over till late at night yesterday, the final verdict has been made behind the doors, informs The First TV-Channel.  Let us remind you that Akhmed Zakayev arrived to the Polish capital to participate in the Third World Congress of Chechen People. He failed to get to the forum as he was arrested on the way to the district public prosecutor's office of Warsaw where he intended to give evidence.

The accusation insisted Akhmed Zakayev should be under arrest for 40 days. However, the judges released him, referring to the resolution of the British court, which provided him with a refugee status 7 years ago. 

Russia issued an international arrest warrant on Zakayev back in 2002, accusing him of murder, terrorism and hostage taking.