Alesya does not turn to Tarot fortune-tellers she advertises

ERB has found out whether Belarusian stars used the goods they advertised.
A singer Alesya who has been advertising the Tarot Centre Telecom says that many famous people were involved in advertising and she thinks there is nothing wrong about it.

Alesya: “If some company chooses me as their brand then it indicates my popularity”.

Alesya does not turn to the Tarot Centre Telecom she advertises for any help.

Alesya: “Speaking about the Tarot Centre Telecom, I was interested and phoned them at first. But in general there has never been anything that I would not be able to decide on myself. I can always find a way out in any situation. But who knows what may happen?”

An actor Yauhen Kryzhanouski is well-known due to advertisements of Volkswagen, products of Slonim meat-pecking plant and “Silvega” footwear. He confessed that Belarusian celebrities were not that rich and they were ready to sell their souls to the devil or the advertiser for 50 or 300 USD. So, actors do not refuse to work for advertisers.

Yauhen Kryzhanouski: “We will be shown, noticed and they will start inviting us more. Nobody believes advertisements now, not even inhabitants of the smallest village in Belarus. Thus, if Yauhen Kryzhanouski advertises some buns or chocolates and says that they are the tastiest nobody believes him!”

We asked Kryshanouski if he really used the products he advertised and he said that he had advertised a car for 80 thousand dollars. The actor confessed that he only had enough money to by a mirror from that car. He got 200 thousand BRB for his last advertisement.

Yauhen Kryzhanouski: “I wear the footwear I advertise. I eat Slonim sausages. So there is no big lie here. Our actor (Alyaksandr Verhunou who reads the weather forecast on ONT) risks more than anyone else. He takes a week weather forecast on the Internet but the weather may change. He said people got angry and almost beat him in the street saying he had told lies. They listened to him and left umbrellas at home and it started raining!”.

A national Belarusian artist, band master Mihail Finberh said he had never advertised anything and was not interested in the show business. Speaking about the advertisement of window-panes he said:

Mіhaіl Fіnberh: “Producers of those window-panes repaired them for the orchestra and filmed me. I thought it was just for one time but they started using my image. I started a scandal and made them stop showing the advertisement on TV”.