Anarchists claim responsibility for attack on the Russian Embassy (video)

Friends of Freedom anarchist group claims responsibility for Russian embassy attack.
They informed in their statement, that they had conducted this action in solidarity with defenders of Himki forest in Russia. "In the evening of August 30, the group of anarchists conducted a Molotov cocktail attack on the Russian Embassy in Minsk. One of the Embassy's cars was damaged. This action was aimed at declaration of our anger and protest against arrests and repressions with regard to social activists, who defended the Himki forest in Moscow", - says the statement.

The authors of the statement also said they supported only direct fighting means as the authorities feared only force.

Moreover, 4 months ago Belarusian anarchists conducted an identical action. They attacked the building of the Trade Unions Federation by showering it with pyrotechnical torches.

14:49 02.09.10 Defenders of Himki forest: "These are not our methods, we conduct only peaceful actions"
Marozau: “A group of Russian anarchists did the same to the Himki Administration in solidarity with defenders of Himki forest. After that there started a real hunting on Russian anarchists and anti-fascists. I think your anarchists simply wanted to support their friends. This action is not directly connected with the movement for defence of Himki forest, which I am a part of.

Our movement has absolutely different methods of work. We conduct only peaceful actions, we never break the law, we use the rights we still have - demonstrations, pickets, appeals, petitions etc.”.

Let us remind you that a group of anarchists "Friends of Freedom" took over responsibility for the attack on the Russian Embassy. They informed in their statement that the action had been conducted in solidarity with defenders of Himki forest in Russia.