BCD conducts new constituent assembly

The third constituent assembly of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" is taking place in Minsk, informs BelaPAN. As it was informed by the Co-Chairman of the steering committee for creating the BCD party Paval Sieviarynetrs, this event "is less ambitious than the previous ones". This assembly can be called a "technical" one. The plan is to approve the documents which  have been prepared for registration of the party. Alongside with that, it is planned to approve Vital Rymasheuski as a presidential contender of the BCD.

144 delegates have been appointed to participate in the assembly. The party has not invited key figures on purpose - this is the way to save money for the upcoming presidential campaign. The Belarusian Christian Democracy filed documents for registration to the Ministry of Justice twice, but unsuccessfully. Attempts to claim the refusals of the Ministry of Justice in court also failed.