Belarusian tennis player Uladzimir Samsonau makes it to Olympic table tennis sem

Беларускі тэнісіст Уладзімір Самсонаў выйшаў у паўфінал на Алімпіядзе

Uladzimir Samsonau has managed to make it to the Olympic table tennis semifinal for the first time in his life. The Belarusian defeated German Dimitrij Ovtcharov in the quarterfinals – 4:2. Samsonau fell down and was injured during the match. He continued playing after receiving medial assistance.

The Belarusian’s next rival will be Zhang Jike of China.


Dimitrij Ovtcharov — Uladzimir Samsonau — 2:4 (11:8, 7:11, 17:19, 11: 4, 2:11, 12:14).


Uladzimir Samsonau is 40 years old. He is an honoured master of sports, three-time winner of the World Cup, 6-time champion of Europe and the former World No.1.