Paralympics 2016 close in Rio

The festive closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games 2016 was held in Rio. The march of athletes and festive performances ended with picturesque fireworks.
The Paralympic flag was handed over to the Mayor of Tokyo. The Olympics-2020 will be hosted by Japan, notes.
Belarusian swimmer Ihar Bokiy is the winner of most medals at these Paralympics – he won 6 gold medals and a bronze one. The Belarusian team won 10 medals. Swimmer Uladzimir Izotau and fencer Andrei Pranevich won gold medals. Javelin-thrower Alyaksandr Tryputs won a bronze medal.
Our country is in the 19th position in the medal rankings at eth Paralmpcis-2016. China (107, 81, 51), Great Britain (64, 39, 44) and Ukraine (41, 37, 39) are in the top-3.