Belarusian companies produce shells for Russian Grad MLRS - BelPol

Grad multiple launch rocket system 

Grad multiple launch rocket system  / Wikipedia

Belarusian enterprises produce parts of shells for the BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system. This follows from the second part of the investigation "Weapons Baron", published by BelPol, an association of former Belarusian law enforcement officers.

Among the enterprises involved in the production of 122 and 152 mm caliber shells, the investigators named the Belarusian Automobile Plant, the Belarusian Metallurgical Plant, and the Barysau Automobile and Tractor Electrical Equipment Plant.

The investigation also revealed that according to the plans for 2023 and 2024, Belarus was to supply Russia with 155 thousand tail and head tubes of the Grad MLRS missile. According to Belpol's calculations, they could "cover 13 such district centers as Orsha".

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