Belsat journalists detained in Minsk and Loyeu

Журналістаў Белсата затрымлівалі ў Мінску і ў Лоеве

Journalists of the independent TV channel Belsat were detained in Minsk and Loyeu. Reporters were taking an interview from head of the association Perspectiva Anatol Shumchanka in the market Lyabyazhy. The police detained them.

Market director Valery  Zaitsau ordered to stop Shumchanka’s car. The policemen wanted to detain him together with the reporters but he was let off after they had noted down his passport number.


Another detention occurred in Loyeu, Homel Province. The reporters were making a video when policemen arrived and harshly detained the journalist who was working together with Kastus Zhukouski. The journalist is at a police station, his camera was probably damaged.

The TV channel Belsat is registered in Poland and does not have official accreditation in the Belarusian MFA despite numerous registration attempts. Its reporters are regularly getting detained and fined.