Davydzka invited to All-Belarusian Congress “by post” and Nyaklyayeu is stopped by special police troops

Special police troops and policemen had been patrolling the territory near BSU lyceum since morning. They were waiting for Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu. A youth activist Mihail Pashkevich has informed ERB about it. A meeting of representatives of Minsk Lenin District has to take place in BSU lyceum. They were going to choose delegates for the All-Belarusian Congress Nyaklyayeu was not recognized to be a representative. But the politician wanted to make a speech at the meeting anyway in order to be able to attend the All-Belarusian Congress. However, he was not allowed to enter the building.

Nyaklyayeu approached the building of BSU lyceum at about 4 p.m. A representative of Lenin District met him on the threshold and claimed the politician would not get anywhere.

Pashkevich noted that a conversation with one of the representatives of Lenin District who did not even know who had nominated him was yet another piece of the today’s story. He received the invitation to the today’s meeting by post:

Pashkevich: “We hailed deputy Davydzka who had also been nominated for the All-Belarusian Congress. Mr. Davydzka could not answer who had nominated him. He received the invitation to the today’s meeting by post. The example of Mr. Davydzka who does not know who nominated him has become the midpoint of our today’s visit to the meeting. They tell us our meeting was not law competent because there were fewer than 300 people present. At the same time, deputy Davydzka who does not know who nominated him manages to get to the same meeting in the presence of the police and a representative of Lenin District Executive Committee”.
Let us remind you that Nyaklyaeu’s adherents collected 27 thousand signatures in support of his nomination for a deputy of the National Congress all over Belarus.

Pashkevіch also informed that Nyaklyayeu had sent an appeal to the meeting so that it could be read aloud there. Copies of the appeal were handed out to the representatives heading for BSU lyceum.