Entrepreneur Syarhey Parsyukevich arrested in Minsk

Syarhey Pasryukevich, an entrepreneur from Vitsebsk, was on Tuesday morning detained in Minsk, following the arrest warrant issued by the prosecutor of the capital's Maskouski district. Parsyukevich was summoned for an interogation under a criminal case opened against him. Although he turned himself up voluntarily, the prosecutor sent him behind bars for three days, reports Charter'97.

A criminal case was opened against Parsyukevich for threatening a police officer. If convicted, Parsyukevich may receive up to six years in prison.

The incident probed by the prosecutor's office occurred in a pre-trial detention center on Akrestsina street. According to the entrepreneur, On January 21 when he was serving his 15-day term for taking part in the January 10 protest of entrepreneurs, he was beaten by a police officer. However, it was Parsyukevich who eventually faced the beating charges.