EU suspends Belarus sanctions until Feb 29, 2016

Еўрасаюз прыпыніў санкцыі супраць прадстаўнікоў Беларусі да 29 лютага 2016 года

The Council of European Union has suspended for four months the asset freeze and travel ban applying to 170 individuals and the asset freeeze applying to three enterprises in Belarus.

"This decision was taken in response to the release of all Belarusian political prisoners on 22 August and in the context of improving EU-Belarus relations," the Council said in a statement for the press.

However, "The EU will continue to closely monitor the situation of democracy and human rights in Belarus."

Restrictive measures against persons and entities were due to expire on 31 October. The Council has prolonged these measures for four months, until 29 February 2016, and at the same time suspended them for 170 persons and for three entities.

Four persons involved in unresolved disappearances in Belarus remain subject to restrictive measures. The arms embargo also continues to apply.

The decision was adopted by written procedure.

