Italian movie wins Magnificat festival

The festival Magnificat-2010 has finished in Hlybokae, informs BELTA. The grand-prix of the festival has been taken by the Italian movie "Diary Mountain Priest" directed by Stefano Saverioni. Best TV-programme award has gone to Russia for the "Blockade Faith", directed by Mariana Birukova and Innokenti Ivanov. The Georgian documentary "Refuge", directed by Raland Barashvili, has been considered the best documentary.

There have been representatives of 15 countries among the participants of this year's Manificat: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Australia, Croatia, Italy etc. Among the judges there have been representatives of clergy, culture and art. The aim of the festival is to find out the best movies and TV-programmes, dedicated to implementation of Evangelical ideals and support of all-human values.

The movie directed by the Co-Chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Aliaksej Shein "Forbidden Christ" should have been a part of the program of  Magnificat-2010 as well, however, the movie has been eliminated from the program, as it allegedly did not pass the "state expertise".