KGB members confiscate office equipment and 2.5 thousand leaflets from Sevyarynets’ parents

The flat has been searched today. Only Kastus Sevyarynets, Pavel’s father, was at home. His mother, Tatstsyana Sevyarynets, was out buying things for a parcel for Pavel kept in the KGB detention centre.
To enter the flat, the representatives of special services introduced themselves as plumbers. They brought witnesses with them.

Tatstsyana Sevyarynets has informed Euroradio that the list of the confiscated property took four sheets of paper. They confiscated all hand-written documents no matter who they belonged to. They also took away the system unit and a notebook used by journalist Kastus Sevyarynets. Besides Sevyarynet’s materials, there was a translation of Pavel Syvyarynets’ book “I Love Belarus” on the notebook: Kastus Sevyarynets was translating his son’s book into Russian.

2579 leaflets of a presidential candidate Vital Rymasheuski were also confiscated from the Sevyarynets. All the leaflets were counted.