Leader of the Bulgarian nationalists asks for political asylum in Belarus

One of the leaders of Bulgarian opposition party Ataka, Mario Punchev, has applied for political asylum in Belarus. He sent a personal letter to the Belarusian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka. The Bulgarian opposition activist said that he was left without work because of financial problems in his party and now cannot get work anywhere. He links the inability to find work  with his political beliefs, the press service of the Liberal Democratic Party, whose leadership Mr Punchev asked for help.

The party Ataka is an ultranationalist organization, ideology which has signs of racism and xenophobia. His supporters oppose the participation of Bulgaria in the European Union and NATO.

Mr Punchev said that he had repeatedly advocated the entry of Bulgaria in the EAEC.

"I'm tired of living in a colony of the EU and the United States. My family and I want to live in a normal country, where they will respect our views, political and those regarding life. My homeland has become for me a stepmother," Mario Punchev wrote in his letter.

In the parliamentary elections in Bulgaria, the party Ataka  won 23 seats out of 240, and in the elections to the European Parliament in the past year, it did not receive any votes.

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