Lukashenka speaks on results of revolution and rebellion attempts (video)

Alongside with the other things, Alyaksandr Lukashenka spoke about stability in the Belarusian society. "We have secured the unity of the nation, the internal peace, - BELTA quotes Alyaksandr Lukashenka as he says. - Any external attempt to force a fire of rebellion or revolution over us broke against this unity. The unity of the nation makes the basis for our economic development." 

Lukashenka thinks that there's no country in the world today which would "threaten Belarus with war". This is due to cooperation with the closest allies, among whom he named Russia in particular.

Lukashenka also underlined in his speech, that Belarus planned to steer up cooperation with its allies in the sphere of national cyber space protection, meaning China in the first place. Alyaksandr Lukashenka told he was going to discuss this issue with the Chinese government soon.