Minsk riot police chief: Some of us are theatregoers and art experts

Кіраўнік мінскага АМАП: У нас заўзятыя тэатралы і знаўцы мастацтва

There are theatregoers, art and history experts in Minsk riot police, detachment commander Dzmitry Balaba told the magazine Spetsnaz.

About 70 % riot policemen have higher education, are learning foreign languages and are fluent in several languages, he claimed.


"There are theatregoers, historians and art experts specializing in the 19-century art among us. I heard two policemen arguing about The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov not long ago,” Balaba said.

The security official’s statements have resulted in a wave of irony in social networks. People are uploading ‘photo toads’ dedicated to the dispersal of the Square in 2010.

Кіраўнік мінскага АМАП: У нас заўзятыя тэатралы і знаўцы мастацтва