Putin: Ukrainian soldiers in Debaltsevo are ‘abscess’

Russian President Vladimir Putin thinks that Ukrainian soldiers in Debaltsevo are ‘an abscess’ and believes that it is time ‘to deal with the problem’. He announced it at a joint press conference with Hungarian PM Victor Orban, TSN reports.

“It is always bad to lose and it is always a tragedy epically if you lose to former ‘miners’ and ‘tractor drivers’. But life will go on, do not get caught in an endless loop,” Putin claimed during his visit to Hungary.

Ukrainian troops were encircled a week before Minsk agreements and all attempts to get out will be blocked from outside, Putin claimed.

Responsible officials should not prevent Ukrainian soldiers from laying own arms and they will not persecute people who want to do it, Putin noted. Militants will not capture these people and will let them get out of the area, UNIAN reports.