MEP Marek Migalski banned from entering Belarus

The web-site “Viasna” has informed that the MEP was banned from entering Belarus, with a reference to the head of the Department on Citizenship and Migration of Kastrychnitski district department of internal affairs of Minsk. Human rights defenders planned to invite Migalski to Belarus in August.

Human rights defender Zmitser Salaueu wanted to execute an invitation for the MEP. He filed a corresponding application to the Department on Citizenship and Migration of Kastrychnitski district department of internal affairs. Five minutes after Salaueu left the institution, they called him on his mobile and informed that Migalski was banned from entering our country, and promised to send a written response.

Let us remind you, EP President Jerzy Buzek and MEP Jacek Protasiewicz are also banned from entering Belarus.