Thousands of bankruptcy cases in Belarus' economic courts

У эканамічных судах Беларусі ляжыць 2438 справаў аб банкруцтве

Economic courts across Belarus have received 2438 insolvency cases, according to the statistics as of 1 August 2018 reported by the Ecopress economic news agency. Private organizations account for 91.6% of the total number of bankruptcy cases. 204 cases are associated with the enterprises that play a crucial role in the country's economy and social life —  state-run organizations and key factories essential for the survival of towns.

Among the most remarkable on the list are Drahicyn Tractor Repair Works, Maladzecna Metal Construction Factory, Lida Meat Packing Plant.

Almost 40% of all bankcruptcy cases are reviewed by the Minsk City Economic Court.

