Two Belarusians deceive U.S. tax inspectors
The Associated Press has run a report on how two Belarus residents, Aliaksej Pahodzin,25, and Dzmitry Huzau, 27, thought up a simple mechanism of getting the money. The young men would download from Internet the names, social security numbers and personal details of the Americans that had recently passed away, and would fill in on their behalf the tax refund forms.
Similar practice also exists in Belarus, when the difference in tax payments can be refunded at the end of the year.
Almost in all the cases, the Belarusians would be refunded $731 from the U.S. tax inspectors. The money would be wired to their personal bank accounts. The swindlers have made over $60,000. They had to fill in over 280 tax refund forms and send them to the U.S. revenue authorities, according to Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belorussii.
Similar practice also exists in Belarus, when the difference in tax payments can be refunded at the end of the year.
Almost in all the cases, the Belarusians would be refunded $731 from the U.S. tax inspectors. The money would be wired to their personal bank accounts. The swindlers have made over $60,000. They had to fill in over 280 tax refund forms and send them to the U.S. revenue authorities, according to Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belorussii.