Universities receive 3-5 applications per graduate despite crisis
The European Radio for Belarus explores if the economic crisis can help graduates avoid a mandatory assignment.
It has turned out that things are just as usual with a great number of requests sent to universities. Some enterprises have not yet applied for graduates, but most of them still expect the young staff at their working places.
The motor and tractor faculty at the Belarusian National Technical University has as usual more requests than graduates: international passenger transportation; cargo transportation; expedition companies, traffic police, design bureaus, etc. But there is still time remaining before the mandatory assignment of graduates, so the dean’s office was unable to name the exact number of applications.
“We are not yet in the position to give you a precise answer, because the assignment will take place in mid April, and requests are still coming in. Anyways, the all the budget-paid students will get jobs!”
Uladzimir Berazouski, the dean of the book-keeping faculty at the Belarusian State Economic University, says he has applications for graduates:
“There are 10 vacant jobs in the country, at the House in the Village company.
The physics faculty at the Belarus State University has faced an incredible rise in the demand for young physics and informatics teachers. 30 applications from the regions have come in for 9 budget-paid graduates. Earlier, there would routinely be a lack of requests and one could hope to bring in his or her own one, it is not possible to go against the plan of the Ministry of Education.
Sviatlana Vasilyeuna from the dean’s office: “It has not happened before. We have such a big request, so we have to deliver the plan”.
The Baranavichy State University has received requests from 15 enterprises from across the country: Baranavichy Bakery, Salihorsk Institute for Resource Saving, Vaukavysk Foundry Equipment Works, Staradarozhski Mechanical Plant, Lyakhavichy Flax Factory.
“This year, we do not have a lot of requests. Perhaps, the crisis has affected somehow”, said the dean’s office of the Engineering Faculty.
A deputy dean of the energy faculty at the Belarus Technical University said their graduates were expected at the thermal power plants, the ministry of energy, mini-thermal power plants. By the way, students at this faculty do not try to evade the mandatory assignments. All of them go to work in their professional trade. But there are a lot of requests. They even have a competition: 3-5 applications for one graduate!
At the faculty of the computerized equipment of the Belarusisan State University of Radioelectronics, graduates are welcome at nearly all the state-owned enterprises: Minsk Electromechanic Plant, Vavilov’s Minsk Mechanical Plant, Horizont, Belarus Automobile Works, Vityaz. To the question whether there have been less requests for graduates due to the crisis, the dean’s office responds as follows:
“We had assignments in November. So far, the crisis has not affected. Nobody has refused yet. But nobody knows what will be in the future...”
Students can count on fair wages: Br700K at the thermal power plant; Br548K at the transport inspection. The High Tech Park can offer young IT specialists up to $1100 per month”.