Wikileaks piblished list of countries where Snowden asked for asylum

The list names Austria, Bolivia, Brazil Venezuela, Germany, India, Ireland, Spain, Italy, China, Cuba, Norway, Nicaragua, Poland, Russia, Finland, Switzerland. It was informed before that the ex-CIA officer asked for asylum also in Ecuador and Iceland.

Edward Snowden published the details of the secret programs used by the U.S. special services to keep an eye on the American and foreign citizens. He escaped to Hong Kong, then to Moscow where he has been staying for a week, possibly in the transit zone of the Sheremetevo airport. The U.S. authorities stated that they were going to demand his extradition from any country he finishes his run at. Snowden is accused of disclaiming of the secret information of the American special services. Russia claims that Snowden did not cross the Russian border, that he arrived as a transit passenger, and that Russia and the U.S. have no agreement on extradition signed.

Yesterday it became known that Snowden asked for political asylum in Russia and President Vladimir Putin named the condition for getting it.

Photo - Reuters