Will mortality on roads vanish in 7 years?

According to official sources, Belarusian driving inspectors overfulfilled the “Minus 100” programme by more than two times last year – there were 214 victims fewer than in 2006. ERB has counted that if the programme is continued at this rate, the mortality on the roads will vanish in less than 7 years. The “Minus 100” programme was started two years ago in Belarus. According to the head of the driving inspectorate Yury Litvin, the mortality caused by car accidents reduced in 2007. While there were about 1700 people who died in car accidents in 2006, the number was “only” 1500 last year.

Yury Lіtvіn: “There were 1770 victims the year before and 1500 people died last year. We think that 1500 is still a lot. That is why we would like to reduce it even more”.

According to “Salidarnast” 50 people died in car accidents from March 25 till May 7. However, 25 people died during the same period last year. The head of the republican driving inspectorate left the information about the growth of mortality on the roads to lie on journalists’ conscience. According to him, the death rate is the same as last year.

Yury Lіtvіn: “Speaking about the death rate, it is the same as last year. However, the number of car accidents has reduced and the number of injured people has also become lower”.

ERB wondered what other methods the driving inspectorate was going to use in order to fulfill the “Minus 100” programme this year. According to the head of the driving inspectorate, they will be trying to catch “road-hogs” first of all. Ordinary cars equipped with video-cameras and speed control devices will help them do it.

Yury Lіtvіn: “The driving inspectorate is going start an action aimed at providing road traffic security on May 12. We will use all ways of informing the population about the rules of behavior on the roads. And we will be controlling the speed mode. It will be simple cars equipped with video and photo cameras”.

According to him, numerous May holidays did not spoil the situation on the roads much. The head of the driving inspectorate says that there were 205 drunken drivers detained on May 9 and 202 – on May 10.

Yury Lіtvіn: “The situation on the roads did not become worse. There were some incidents, namely speeding violations. Some people decided to drive at a high speed and lost control of their cars. They left the road or clashed with trees or some buildings etc. There were fewer injured pedestrians and the number of other accidents also went down.

Thus, ordinary cars with driving inspectors and the “Minus 100” programme meant to last for several years will eliminate mortality on Belarusian roads according to official sources.