1,400 Belarusians granted international protection in Poland

Documents of Belarusians in Poland, sample photo

Documents of Belarusians in Poland, sample photo / MOST

In the first half of this year, Poland granted international protection to 1,400 Belarusians, according to MOST with reference to the Office for Foreigners.

Belarusians are the largest group of foreigners receiving protection in Poland.

Belarusians are followed by Ukrainians. In six months, 1.3 thousand of their applications were granted. The third place is occupied by Russians - about 100 people received international protection.

In total, since the beginning of the year, three thousand foreigners have received international protection in Poland.

At the same time, for six months, 50 applications of Belarusians for international protection were rejected. This is about 3.5% of all cases examined. By comparison, in the same period 320 of Russians were rejected.

It is reported that 2,000 Belarusians applied for international protection in six months. Only Ukrainians applied more than our compatriots - 2.7 thousand people.

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