Former head of Minsk Mikalai Ladutska appointed as Motovelo plant

Former head of the Minsk City Executive Committee Mikalai Ladutska is now heading the Motovelo plant.On Monday, he was already presented to the team, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.

As Euroradio reported on Friday, media reports suggested the owner of Motovelo plant and Yalizava Glassworks Alyaksandr Murauiou had been detained.

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, on Wednesday evening, June 3, Alyaksandr Murauiou was going to fly to Vienna, but at the airport he was handcuffed. Two of his brothers - Syarhei and Andrei - as well as several partners were allegedly also taken to jail. Although no official statement confirming the detainment followed.

Incidentally, Mikalai Ladutska has headed the Belarusian Federation of Cycling since 2012. From 2008 to 2012, the federation was headed by Alyaksandr Murauiou.
