Karatkevich asks commission members to count votes honestly (video)

Короткевич членам комиссий: "Я прошу вас считать голоса честно и открыто" (видео)

Tatstsyana Karatkevich has based her speech on certain people’s stories this time. She began with the story of a man who makes 1.8 million roubles a month in a cultural centre, rents a flat and has a wife and little daughter.


He said: “I am married and have a little daughter. We have to rent a flat. How can we survive?” “Syarhei, I am really moved,” Karatkevich said.

The candidate commented on the ways of increasing the employment rate, improving social protection and conducting modernization.

"To bring back the wages, we need to make a step forward and start peaceful changes. People need an opportunity to start their own business instead of working for bosses and officials. We will support such people and loosen the grip of the state.”


Tatstsyana Karatkevich recalled the 90s when Poles were buying out Belarusian goods. Now we go shopping to Poland.


Tatstsyana Karatkevich spoke Belarusian several times. The first time was when she addressed a Salihorsk teacher of Belarusian. The woman had been announced the teacher of the year but then she got fired for refusing to subscribe for official newspapers.

It is necessary to create a national university, Karatkevich said. There should be a Belarusian grammar school in every district centre. Karatkevich mentioned Yalinka Salauyova. The girl is the only child studying all the school subjects in Belarusian in Mahilyou.


She also mentioned agro-towns and said that the authorities had spoilt a good idea. She addressed a pensioner who had talked to her at a picket and added that a pension reform was needed. We need non-governmental pension funds and it is necessary to bring Belarusian pensions to 75% of the average wage.

Karatkevich also spoke Belarusian at the end of her speech. She spoke about independence, culture and the Belarusian language.


"There should be no foreign military bases in Belarus and the government must consult the people in such issues,” the candidate noted.


Karatkevich approached the camera at the end. She addressed election committee members.

"Most of you are women and I know that you worry about your children’s future just like I do. A presidential election is a very important thing and it should be fair. I am asking you to be honest and open when counting votes.”


Photo: T.Karatkevich’s archives