Nemtsov wrote note about Russian paratroopers before death

Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov murdered in the centre of Moscow on the night of February 28 wrote a note about Russian paratroopers who had fought in Ukraine not long before his death. Nemtsov’s assistant Olga Shorina has announced it. She has demonstrated the note the politician wrote a day before his death, Reuters reports.

The note has not been published but its contents have been quoted: “Several paratroopers from Ivanovo have called me. 17 paratroopers were killed, they have not received their money but they are scared to say it now.” Boris Nemtsov received information about soldiers of air division #98.

Nemtsov sent the note to his assistant because he was scared of tapping in his office, Reuters reports. It is not clear whether the note is real. Nemtsov had been preparing a report about the presence of Russian troops in Donets Basin but did not manage to finish it. The police searched Boris Nemtsov’s flat after the murder.

The murder of 55-year-old Nemtsov has not been solved so far.

Photo: Reuters