Nasta Palazhanka: There is an order to break Dashkevich's spirit on purpose

Euroradio: How do you think, why Zmitser got to a disciplinary cell for the third time in a row?

Nasta:I think this is connected with the fact that the prison administration or someone else has been given an order - to break Dashkevich's spirit purposefully. As everyone knows who he is, what his character is, that he has strong principles and has been involved in this kind of activity for a long time. In fact, I cannot find any other explanation for such brutal attitude to him”.

Euroradio: Do you think this might be connected with the recent information in the media that you are going to get married in the colony?

Nasta: “No, I don't think this is connected with that. Naturally, if there is a scheme to break somebody's spirit, or a scheme to make his stay in prison unbearable, then they are sure to postpone the wedding. As this is also support. There are many ways of influence there. This is only one factor of pressure, and I don't think this is the reason. The reason, in my opinion, is that Zmitser Dashkevich has been a "Young Front" member since 2001, and now he has become a brave and principle politician at the Belarusian political arena”.

Euroradio: If Zmitser is in a disciplinary cell all the time, then there's no guarantee that your wedding will take place soon?

Nasta: “Sure. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the administration wants this wedding to happen. But this is life. We'll see, and we'll do our best to defend Zmitser”.

Euroradio: This is the second colony for Zmitser. It turns out that he confinement conditions here are worse than in the previous one?

Nasta: “This is not exactly a second colony. Zmitser was in custody in the pre-trial detention center before, and previously, back in 2007, he was imprisoned for 1,5 years in the Shklou colony for "activity on behalf of an unregistered organization". It is obvious that the attitude to Zmitser here is totally different than it was there. I wouldn't say it was loyal then, no, but it was at least understandable. And now I cannot call some things that happen here anything but outrage. I am glad that the lawyer managed to see him in the last moment. I hope that we will make this issue public in some way and try to solve it. As if the administration was ordered to treat Zmitser Dashkevich brutally, I think there should be some limits. I hope that many things that happen are just a local initiative to secure somebody's position or shoulder straps or something like that. I really hope that this situation can be solved, as our actions in fact depend on this. They will increase depending on Dashkevich's condition. I think no one will benefit from this”.

Euroradio: What does the lawyer say? According to the latest information, Zmitser got to a disciplinary cell because he broke the prohibition to speak with his cell-mates. Can such decision of the administration be appealed?

Nasta: “No, this is not a formal order so it naturally cannot be appealed in the public prosecutor's office, as it is written nowhere. However, we will appeal against all the violations of prison rules that they claim he had committed. In the end of this week, fortunately, we'll have an opportunity to see Dashkevich's personal file, and we will appeal everything, there's no doubt about it”.

Photo - archives, Radio Liberty