Small cross-border movement not to start between Poland and Belarus by 2011
The agreement about small cross-border movement between Belarus and Poland will not come into power by the beginning of 2011, reports a news agency REGNUM. The Belarusian Parliament will return to the issue of ratification of the agreement during the autumn session. The agreement will come into power 30 days after the ratification procedure ends. The Polish Sejm will vote for the Agreement on June 9-11, and then the issue will be considered by the Senate and the President.
The agreement provides for allowing inhabitants of the 30-km border zones in both states to cross it easier. It will affect about 800 thousand Polish citizens and the same number of inhabitants of Belarus.
The agreement provides for allowing inhabitants of the 30-km border zones in both states to cross it easier. It will affect about 800 thousand Polish citizens and the same number of inhabitants of Belarus.