Strong wind in Brest and Minsk Provinces (photo, video)

A real storm hit Brest in the afternoon of April 13. The wind reached 20 m/s. It was turning over market stalls and uprooting trees some of which damaged cars. 14 cars were damaged, a concrete wall collapsed on 10 of them.

Minsk Province was hit by the natural disaster after that. 67 inhabited localities ion Barysau, Vileika, Kletsk, Lahoisk, Minsk, Maladzechna, Slutsk, Salihorsk and Staradarozhski Districts were affected. 12 inhabited localities were left without power. The roofs of 37 buildings including 13 houses were damaged. Repair works are in process.

The wind destroyed a concrete fence in FC Shahtsyor’s stadium in Salihorsk. Cars got damaged, trees were uprooted and billboards collapsed in the city, Pressball reports. There were problems with power supply yesterday evening (see the video).

The wind also hit the capital. A telephone box turned over at the intersection of Independence Avenue and Kazlova Street, Nasha Niva reports.

The wind seems to have damaged other provinces too. The roofs of 7 buildings were damaged in Hrodna Province. Information is still being collected.

Photo:, Pressball, Nasha Niva, Euroradio
