Sum of loss claimed by Presidential Administration is compensated

Human rights defenders Valiantsin Stefanovich and Alena Tankachova have paid the sum of the material loss, claimed by the Presidential Administration against the Square participants, on behalf of the Belarusian society on February 21, the human rights center "Viasna" informs.

Valiantsin Stefanovich has confirmed that the payment document was passed to the legal department of the Chief Economic Office of the Presidential Administration. 

"The head of the department Lemesh has told us that if the money arrive to their bank account today they will withdraw all material claims in court tomorrow. I think there won't be any problem with money transferring as we have made this payment in the main office of the "Belarusbank", - Stefanovich has noted.

Let us remind you, the sum of the material loss claimed by the Presidential Administration is 14 million 48 thousand roubles. The initial sum was approximately twice bigger.