Sweden officially replaces “White Russia” with “Belarus”

Belarusians protesting against “Vitryssland” in Stockholm / Sveriges Belarusier
Belarusians protesting against “Vitryssland” in Stockholm / Sveriges Belarusier

Sweden will replace the name “Vitryssland” (White Russia) with "Belarus" in official documents, Belarusian Ambassador to Sweden Dzmitry Mironchyk said quoting Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde

"We are doing it to recognize the desire of the Belarusian people and civic society and diaspora to highlight their national identity and sovereignty of their country,” the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs announced. 

Ann Linde and her Finnish counterpart Pekka Haavisto visited Belarus on 25 November and held talks with Belarusian Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei.

Belarusians living in Sweden protested against the usage of “Vitryssland” in the center of Stockholm on October 15, Belsat TV reported. The association of the Belarusian diaspora in Sweden "Sveriges Belarusier" asked Foreign Minister Ann Linde to stop using this name in official documents.