Three on hunger strike demanding Kozulin release

Brothers Siarhei and Aliaksandr Skrabets has stayed on an indefinite hunger strike for five days, demanding the release of political prisoner Alexander Kozulin. Siarhei Halahanyuk has also joined the two. "Now we have three people on hunger strike. But 10-15 more people have expressed readiness to join us in a week time. They will do so," Siarhei Skrabets told the European Radio for Belarus.

While they still feel strong enough, hunger strikers engage in usual activities. When they start feeling bad, they will gather in one apartment.

Meanwhile, members of Kozulin-led Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) today staged a picket in Brest, also demanding to free Alexander Kozulin, reports Radio Svaboda.

The action was also supported by members of the United Civic Party, the Belarusian Popular Front and local entrepreneurs. Activists in Brest are gathering signatures under the demand to release Kozulin.