Ulahovich does not want to be called ‘pocket politian’

Улаховіч не згодны, што яго называюць "кішэнным палітыкам"

More presidential candidates made speeches on the First National Channel of the Belarusian Radio on the morning of September 25. Mikalai Ulahovich did not repeat his TV speech. He decided to run for President with ‘the help of his friends’, Cossacks and party members. The candidate does not want to be called ‘a pocket politician’. “I am an adult man and have my own views,” Mikalai Ulahovich said.

The presidential candidate urged Belarusians to vote to express their position and ‘to destroy the hopes of boycott adherents’.  He used to work in the President’s Administration when Ivan Tsitsyankou was in charge of it, Ulahovich said. He left because the head of the administration ‘did not need clever people’.

Tatstsyana Karatkevich also made a speech in the radio on Friday. Her speech resembled her first TV speech a lot.

Улаховіч не згодны, што яго называюць "кішэнным палітыкам"